Tax Preparation and Financial Services for Families and Business
You’ll feel at home with Ted Phillips – and not just because his office is in Del Ray. Ted has a knack for making a client comfortable. Ted knows that helping a client with financial strategies is about more than figures on their tax forms. It’s about understanding their goals. Wondering how you are going to send your five-year-old twins to college? Looking to retire by age 60? Want to grow your business? Ted’s a big-picture guy who wants to help his clients make the most of their income so they can get where they want to go. Expect a down-to-earth, friendly advisor with fresh insights and sound strategies.
"Ted has always been outstandingly helpful with my taxes, including providing online filing options. One year, he ran an estimate of taxes owed prior to the end of the year. I used that information to decrease what I owed in federal and state taxes. I have recommended Ted to family and friends, and have received great reports on his service!" —M Decker

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